Welcome to Christian Demant’s Website.

Software is a continuously growing integral part of industry and economy. To be able to set the right course for “digital transformation”, it is essential to determine your position. As an experienced entrepreneur in the field of professional software development, I support executive managers, owners and investors with analyzing and assessing software and software development.

My services

Software Due Diligence

As an expert consultant, I analyze and assess software and the underlying software development process.

Coaching of Startups

I support startup teams in all aspects before and during the set-up of the company and during the critical initial period.



My knowledge from more than 25 years working in the industry is made available to a broad audience through regular publications. The two most important publications are:
Cover Book Software Due Diligence 2nd Edition 2024

Software Due Diligence
Softwareentwicklung als Asset bewertet
2nd Edition, 2024, 586 pages, 50 images, in German

Book cover 'Erfolgreich ein Software-Startup gruenden', 2nd edition

Erfolgreich ein Software-Startup gruenden
Tipps und Erfahrungen eines Tech-Unternehmers
2nd Edition, 2020, 535 pages, 36 images, in German